so currently im sitting on a couch at my aunt's house, watching my cousins play the wii. so anyways this week has been very tiring. VBS was fun hanging out with all then little kids. my group was the best! i love those kids. there so adorable. (: oh and then friday night i went to applebees with jaymo, josh, and jisoo i thought it was really really fun. we even left the waitress a note! she was so cool. and then i woke up late sat. and went to VBS. after VBS was over i went home took a shower and then we went to the mall and after claim jumpers to eat for Jisoo's birthday dinner. After we all ate we all went to funtasia and played games and rode the go-karts. josh always got in my way, bacon got me stuck.. but in the end i had fun. after funtasia we went back to church and just hung out, and then i went home and slept. then today sunday i woke up had to pack all my stuff and then got ready for church. i got dropped off at church and ate and then we had bible sutdy..and then peq peq and i went to pochi's and got bubble tea and then we came back, and jay jang took me john and christine to wilcox for volleyball. like every other sunday we played volleyball. and then my cousin came to pick me up from the park and we drove off to oregon, made a few pit stops at my grandma's and then gas station and then a rest area. and then i went to clarissa's house ate. and we got picked up by my aunty and now im at her house. i get back in one week. but right now im pretty tired. soo im off to bed. while i watch a movie. so nighty night.
God Is Love.
Love Always, ninayoon! <3