Tuesday, January 26, 2010

hakuna matata

not everything in life is fair. well nothings really fair. life has been so difficult lately. all the bad news going around. i've been so frustrated lately.. and i can say it has been very hard to deal with. but i believe with positive attitude things could change. i think that no matter what happens in the end it will all be okay. no matter how much pain you feel, in the very end of everything you'll be okay. my week has just about started, just yesterday i was loaded with horrible news, had the biggest headache, and just about everything was turning bad and as soon i woke up this morning there was more bad news, and i don't think it's quite over yet. but i think it'll all be okay. because it just came to me. all of a sudden i realized that in the end i will be okay because i have God with me all day everyday. and i know he doesn't want any of this happening and he's trying to make it better. God gives you the strength, so you can beat whatevers in your way, its just your choice if you want to use it or not.

hakuna matata <3

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